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  1. rivermobster

    Quad Duning Video

    Agreed. It's a great vid no matter what. 👍🏼
  2. rivermobster's First Featured Vehicle! I give you "HellTaco!!"

    Super bad azz, indeed. 👍🏼👍🏼
  3. rivermobster

    Motorhome & Enclosed or 5th wheel and why?

    Great point about camping in camp grounds. You need to get up to Oregon Dunes. Beach camping and duning, all in one spot. 👍🏼
  4. rivermobster

    Quad Duning Video

    Everything about that vid rocked... Great into. Great music. Great riding, even in the baby dunes!!! In the big dunes that kid would shread fo sure... Well done. 👏👍🏼
  5. rivermobster

    Speed UTV

    Seriously??? I can't remember what I had for breakfast! According to my bud that's waiting for his, it's been over five years since he dropped his deposit? Tell us Dave ... How many YEARS do you think would be an Acceptable wait? 🤔
  6. rivermobster

    Other people’s money

    You took the words right out of my mouth... Want good healthcare? Go earn it!!! Whining, is never the best option, to accomplish something.
  7. rivermobster

    Balloon fest this weekend!

    I did once. It was nice, but boring to me. You should try it once to see if you like it!
  8. rivermobster

    Sand Car Electrical Panels, Distribution and Harnesses

    Does this help? If you have questions, let me know. I'm pretty decent with 12v electrical stuff.
  9. rivermobster

    Motorhome & Enclosed or 5th wheel and why?

    I've always liked my truck/trailer combo. When I get somewhere, especially like to Idaho, Oregon and places far away, I can drop the trailer and go explore. Also the cost on maintenance is exponentially different! The trailer gets tires every five years, brakes every ten years, and...
  10. rivermobster

    Speed UTV

    Everyone I know that has one, loves the car. 👍🏼
  11. rivermobster

    Speed UTV

    All that, and people have Still been waiting five years for delivery? Can you imagine the tune You would be singing, if you were still waiting around? You gambled and won (like you almost Always do). 😜 Others have not been so lucky.
  12. rivermobster

    Any GM Techs, Automotive Guru's...

    You're a good man. When I worked at the dealership, I would frequently see vehicles written up as a warranty repair, only to find out, the vehicle just came out of the body shop. Sorry Mr. Customer, accident damage is not a factory defect! 😜
  13. rivermobster

    Speed UTV

    The "Should be Blues" ??? Seriously??? How is that broken record even Still playing??? 😂🤣😂 😂🤣😂
  14. rivermobster

    Speed UTV

    Oh dude... And they hard sold him too!!! Made him feel like if he didn't buy everything up front, he wouldn't be able to get em down the road. Criminal for sure. But then again... Nobody held a gun to his head either. 🙄
  15. rivermobster

    Getting stuck is a problem

    When you lower the pressure TOO much, you run the risk of popping the tire off the rim. Now you have an even Bigger problem, besides being stuck!!! Single digits is a BAD idea without headlocks.
  16. rivermobster

    Speed UTV

    I assume the same on the deliveries. I asked a few times WTF is a "master number", and no one seems to have an answer. Pretty sure it's your spot inline, as opposed to the random numbers they put on the cars. My buddy has a 2600 number. He figures he's never gonna get what he ordered. 15k...
  17. rivermobster

    Any Input?

    140 mile range, under the BEST conditions??? But wait... You can go an additional 50 miles for the low low price of 5k dollars!!! :ROFLMAO:
  18. rivermobster

    Getting stuck is a problem

    This is all you need to know! 😁
  19. rivermobster

    two 12v dying after heater use.

    They are Definitely different dimensions. Totally worth the effort to change the boxes and cables around. Have fun! (y)