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  1. rivermobster

    The pendulum is swinging back Hard!!!

    No doubt, this is true. But, they are all on notice now. Those bitches better watch their step!
  2. rivermobster

    Happy Birthday Madweazl

    Happens to the best of us. 😜 Have yourself a great day!!! 🎊🎉🎂
  3. rivermobster

    The pendulum is swinging back Hard!!!

  4. rivermobster

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    Just awful 😞 😞 😞
  5. rivermobster

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    Mel Gibson slammed the shit out Bass and Newsucm. Gawd bless him...
  6. rivermobster

    It sure is dark over here

    Come visit! Let's go get some Good messican food! 😎
  7. rivermobster

    Explain it to me.

    I hate to fan the flames here, but I'll tell you guys what I know... Though a female friend, I met a guy who is all the way gay. He's a super cool dude in my eyes. He's actually the first person to call something gay! 🤣 I rag on him all the time with gay jokes, and he rags on me all the time...
  8. rivermobster

    So. Is everyone ok over here???
  9. rivermobster

    Quad Duning Video

    What editing software are you guys using? 🤔
  10. rivermobster

    Speed UTV

    Man, I hate the way all the rubber band cars sound! 🤣
  11. rivermobster

    Explain it to me.

    Funny you say that... When I worked as a tech for Bentley, those customers were the Nicest people around. I had to go to a lady's house to look her car one day. Super nice lady, and invited me in for coffee, when I was done. BEAUTIFUL fucking house!!! When I asked her... So what do you do...
  12. rivermobster

    Explain it to me.

    Such a loaded question!! (No pun intended) 😁 The Only thing Brandon cares about is himself. When you understand that, you'll understand Every move he makes.
  13. rivermobster

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    Maybe we can rid of Newsucm now??
  14. rivermobster

    Motorhome & Enclosed or 5th wheel and why?

    Copy. I spent some time exploring the White Mountains this past summer. It felt like in was in The Sierra's!
  15. rivermobster

    Motorhome & Enclosed or 5th wheel and why?

    Are we talking Mammoth maybe? 🤔
  16. rivermobster

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

  17. rivermobster

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    I spent all day dealing with the mess from the wind. Everything is back to normal for me. For others here in SoCal, not so much. ☹️
  18. rivermobster

    So. Is everyone ok over here???
