Search results

  1. Rorschach

    Duners Paradise, Someone needs to step up!

    It says 420 acres, right? So that doesn't include the diner and the RV park?
  2. Rorschach

    Duners Paradise, Someone needs to step up!

    What can I get for 40 bucks
  3. Rorschach

    State Farm, pleads with department of insurance for Calif rate hike

    Their politician shareholders can't be happy about that Is this state you speak of California? Need I say more?
  4. Rorschach

    USA to take over the Gaza Strip

    I guess us petty civilians should just pay our taxes and like it? Don't be concerned that more than half of our earnings are being spent to harm us and scare us into paying even more. Oh, no no no no no... And this BS about a civilian auditing these criminals....Who then? Everyone's a civilian...
  5. Rorschach

    USA to take over the Gaza Strip

    Lol.... He manufactures and sells paper coffee cups to the Air Force
  6. Rorschach

    Thread Sealer and Locker?

    Another problem is the risk of galling between the stainless and aluminum. Stainless tends to gall in aluminum very easily. If you don't get the fit you want on the first try and attempt to remove the stainless plug for a re-fit you run the risk of galling the threads. Especially in a hand cut...
  7. Rorschach

    Thread Sealer and Locker?

    As far as JB Weld goes, I've seen that stuff do some amazing things. I fixed a silver dollar sized hole in a cast iron Volvo head on a loader 4 or 5 years ago. The follower for the retarder came apart and rolled under the cam on a shallow part of the head casting that faced down. The cam lobe...
  8. Rorschach

    Thread Sealer and Locker?

    Depending on the location and structure of the head a tapered plug may cause unwanted stress applying outward pressure 360° at the location that could result in a crack in the aluminum. Have you considered welding the holes.
  9. Rorschach

    State Farm, pleads with department of insurance for Calif rate hike

    You win some, you lose some. They been screwing people for years and now it's time to pay some of it back. Everybody pays (in most cases more than they should be paying so insurance companies can turn a profit) what the insurance companies say to get adequate insurance. Maybe they should be...
  10. Rorschach

    Sequential Gearbox - Do You Clutch or Not?

    Pushing the clutch pedal to shift a non-synchronized transmission is for nancy boys and dudes in truck driving school
  11. Rorschach

    JD'S Memes

  12. Rorschach

    JD'S Memes

  13. Rorschach

    Anybody on here from Albuquerque that can store a Road Glide for 2 weeks ?

    I'm 20 minutes south of Albuquerque. I have room
  14. Rorschach

    Trump's First Week Back

    Who the fack records a video of themselves crying a fit and posts it on SM anyway? Unless it's a cry for attention. Ok...get ready to hit record cuz I'ma start crying.....GTFOuttaH!
  15. Rorschach

    Trump's First Week Back

    AA àbbbsaaaaCx zatork Sounds like some of the popo in DC might have some insurrection coming to them. 4A mutha fugga! Hell ya Rob Schneider! AMERICA, F#CK YEAH!!!
  16. Rorschach

    Trump's First Week Back

    I think that is a huge imposition on personal freedom and a step toward communism and oppression. While I can see the benefits, I think the government making personal choices for it's citizens is not the answer.
  17. Rorschach

    How long since your last ticket? how many times have you talked your way out of one?

    I've probably gotten over 100 tickets in my driving career. First time I got cited as a licensed driver I tried to outrun the cops but ran out of gas. Got arrested and 7 tickets. I was 16. January 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999 I got 57 tickets. A judge informed me of that statistic as I sat...
  18. Rorschach


    Exactly! FUQ'EM! We're not askin, mutha fugga!
  19. Rorschach

    JD'S Memes

    He was doing so good
  20. Rorschach

    JD'S Memes

    I am more than cool with that