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  1. madweazl

    It's Saturday Dec 7th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Ooh, I did something else. I paired the phone to the whip lights so I can make 'em do all kinds of dumb shit. I'm setting seizure mode for the next trip.
  2. madweazl

    It's Saturday Dec 7th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Got an MRI on my back... so much fun.
  3. madweazl

    UHC CEO Shot

    Tricare dropped them years ago; did something else pick them up?
  4. madweazl

    Idaho Chevy dealership

    Make sure you do your homework on that engine; not so impressive from everything I've seen. Ginny's daughter has one and it's a pain in the ass.
  5. madweazl

    UHC CEO Shot

    The pitfalls of for profit health care. It's a garbage system.
  6. madweazl

    Rear View Mirror Camera

    I stopped using it because the fisheye picture is shit anyways. I don't know who at Polaris looked at that and thought, yea, that will pass.
  7. madweazl

    RV Solar upgrade

    You gotta figure out what youre actually using before anyone can help you out much. You mention having 8 batteries but what batteries are they? How are they wired? 12v, 24v, 48v system? Is 1 bank of 4 attached to each inverter? Don't just throw money at it.
  8. madweazl

    New Requirement for Arizona Offroaders

    Girls? My buddies swears pulling out creates girls lol.
  9. madweazl

    Thanksgiving 24 what have you destroyed?

    No riding for me over the holiday. Only thing I destroyed was my liver.
  10. madweazl

    New Requirement for Arizona Offroaders

    People need way more than this. The SXS owners at least; holy hell there are some crazy roll overs. We came across one on Vets weekend where the dude rolled on the high side and was pointed 180 degrees from the rest of his group. No clue how they pulled it off lol. Edit: best part of the video...
  11. madweazl

    Just gonna leave this...

    And had a passenger in the car...
  12. madweazl

    Wheel questions

    Is there a particular reason you want to go from a tried/true spindles with plenty of wheel options to the Can Am hub? Seems like a downgrade to me.
  13. madweazl

    Just gonna leave this...

    ... right here. Top to bottom: @ChEFF , @ROBERT L , and @madweazl
  14. madweazl

    My thoughts on the Pro R

    You're crazy! I don't drive more than 4 hours these days lol.
  15. madweazl

    Wife says her car drives funny

    Got a serious toe or camber issue going on.
  16. madweazl

    My thoughts on the Pro R

    Any idea where exactly this is showing on the trans?
  17. madweazl

    Conspiracy Theorists

    That must be fairly recent; maybe when the 35s came?
  18. madweazl

    Conspiracy Theorists

    How long have the Drakens and Kfirs been a contracted service? I remember similar aircraft supporting things like Red Flag but was pretty sure they were still Government owned. Edit: they had some Hinds out there in the late 90s but I thought those were AF owned. Know anything about those? I...
  19. madweazl

    Conspiracy Theorists

    What? The contractors can't do it [tanking] cheaper and the pilots need the flight hours regardless [Navy doesn't really have a persistent aerial refueling capability so I can them using it]. And no clue what aggressors you're talking about but I'm an air intercept controller and the only...
  20. madweazl

    My thoughts on the Pro R

    Hopefully it works out. Do you have the Fox or Walker Evans?