Search results

  1. madweazl

    Driving gloves?

    Fuck that; I wear flip flops :heathen:
  2. madweazl

    Driving gloves?

    My hands are getting so damn dried out and nasty while driving the SXS. I'd like to find a really thin glove to wear for some protection; I rode with a pair of mechanics gloves today and hated them because there is no feel and they were bulky. Putting lotion on 15 times a day trying to keep up...
  3. madweazl

    Reset needed.

    I'm hoping to make it up there next year. We have to get the new rig ordered and I'm just not sure when all of that is going to happen.
  4. madweazl

    Speed UTV

    Max learning how to DNF from the best at it lol.
  5. madweazl

    Kawasaki KRX 4 in glamis.

    Looking at the video, if you enjoy duning at 25-35mph, it's just right.
  6. madweazl

    Sand Car Security In Dunes- What Do You Do?

    Shit, I forget to take the key out of half the time. I have insurance for a reason.
  7. madweazl

    It's Saturday Dec 14th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Smoked a pork butt and put some miles on the RZR mobbing it in the desert. That damn car just keeps impressing me; I push it harder and harder and it asks for more. Darkness fell so I was able to test out and adjust the new BD light bar (40" ONX6) for the first time; that thing throw some insane...
  8. madweazl

    Lemon law advice AZ

    Seems Subaru is at the top of the reliability rankings these days (based on first google results anyways). I've never owned any SUV/Crossover so I certainly can't help with any real world experience.
  9. madweazl

    Got back in to RC cars

    6s for a 7 year old lol? Cant argue with the fun factor, I love me some RC but I don't have a single item anymore.
  10. madweazl


  11. madweazl

    Lemon law advice AZ

    As somebody that has actually been through this, skip the lawyer. I went through the BBB with Ford and had a response from them in less than 48 hours. My Shelby had been in for 45 consecutive days (this varies by state) which met the lemon law for my state. I contacted the BBB, they filed a...
  12. madweazl


    Snowbird life is pretty damn good lol
  13. madweazl


    Had one of those for quite a while (not a lot of hours even though it was at least 10 years old). Loud as fuck but it always started right up and worked.
  14. madweazl

    Internet Speed

    Do you really need more? Maybe your connection to the pedestal just sucks or the service sucks. Burst speeds don't tell you much but that is enough to have a couple TVs streaming 4k with multiple computers online streaming as well. Given there are only 2 of you in that house, I'd suggest looking...
  15. madweazl


    We don't have a Costco here. I'd second the military gene if you have the space. Cheap, reliable power if you have a place for it. They are loud as fuck though. With that said, Predator generators and pretty damn solid and great for the price. I prefer Champion but you can't go wrong with...
  16. madweazl

    Reset needed.

    I came back and you left. Just give 9 or 10 years...
  17. madweazl

    Reset needed.

    Good and breezy in Yuma today.
  18. madweazl

    Reset needed.

    Decent wind today but was it blowing good enough for a reset? Didn't seem quite that strong from Yuma.
  19. madweazl


  20. madweazl

    Favorite Camp Fire Drink?

    Sailor Jerry, 7up, and OJ makes it way better. Been my jam for about 15 years now but I've recently inherited some sort of reaction to cinnamon that is pissing me off. Captain is a little to sweet to make the drink with. Sprite just doesn't quite have the right flavor for it. I've tried most...