Paddles Off dirt tires on because It was sunny and I wanted to go cruise.. For the One day I will be at Mama G I can run the dirt tires. Paddles are sleeping till Vets or till the car sells which ever comes first..LOL
Well Yesterday was kinda productive.. Normal house chores then rotated tires on the car picked up some trash the wind blows in Here last week. Took the Paddles off the SXS and put the dirt tires on so I could go for a cruise from the House. Got some things in a box that have to go to Golf...
OK here is an update if anyone wants to Know. A BIG HUGE thanks to Sndsmpler for bring the cones and left over balls up to my House on Friday.. So I have the cones some tennis balls Markers and Golf pencils..At another location the Hula Hoops have arrived and some More Balls. Hozay and the GV...