What's your opinion/take on the efforts of DOGE?

Ok...hold up. :ROFLMAO:

biden and newsom are on record saying they would extend EV tax credits for EVs...EXCEPT Tesla. Yeah, that's not a lawsuit.

No EPA limitations for Blue Origin or Virgin Galactic rocket companies...BUT...EPA restriction on SpaceX.

obama started this bullshit with weaponizing the government and biden took it to a whole new level. At this point, if Trump declared Marshal Law and himself king, I'd support it BECAUSE...dems don't want it. Whether it's moral, humane, honest, whatever...I do not support ANYTHING coming democrats. Trump could be eating babies, tenderized by clubbing them with baby seals and dead kittens and I'd support it, if it upset liberals. Yeah...that's how I felt on the daily under biden. So...fuck'em.

So tired of their bullshit.
What if they were clubbed by live kittens? Line drawn there?
The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has my undivided attention. I seriously cannot believe this is happening and things are coming out.

democrats are losing their fucking minds that their money laundering and slush funds are being cut off. All these worthless "pork" contractors are being cut off, stupid and worthless programs being cut. I swear I'm living in a dream. Elon is saying that even at the rate they are going, the audit is going to take until September to get through everything. AND...I hope they start including Republicans in this. I do not believe for a minute that this is one sided but, I do believe it is skewed more left than right. Everyone who has done this to America need to be ousted and brought to justice.

So what's YOUR take on this? Does anyone have any problems with the young staff he's using? I think its great. They are smart and have the potential to clean up this mess before they age out and have to think about a retirement, taxes, social security/medicare. Clean up this mess created before it becomes their problem.

Other things I want to see come out of this...
- No more birthright citizenship. This included illegal anchor babies and even natural born people here in the US. Citizenship needs to be EARNED. Those here are grandfathered, moving forward, people must earn their citizenship through 2 years of civil, social or military service. If served honorably and without issue, you can become a citizen and gain additional benefits (secondary education, medical, social security, etc...) Those that choose not to serve or become citizens, can remain but will remain"permanent residents" and still pay taxes to support the country, infrastructure and benefits of those that chose to serve and become citizens. All costs of services provide to citizens will be at your won expense.
- Make it law that when I bill is written, it can ONLY include REAL things that support that bill. No more education bills that include environmental crap, gun control, aid, ...
- Criminal charges on politicians and judges that created this mess. Politicians that broke and continue to break laws loose their seats and go to jail. They should be held to a higher standard. No more political stump from the bench.
- Media fairness. Media outlets should have to be licensed to report the "news". This "news" must be audited for truthfulness, clarity, un-opinionated, and tell the whole truth...no spin. If you can't do that or choose not to, you are labeled as entertainment. You can still broadcast, you just can't make any claims that you are news or are telling any form of truth.
- Moving forward, Aid can only be given to US interests and only for things that support and sustain life. No entertainment, no luxury items, no cultural expenses. Food, shelter, medical. That's it. AND...Aid can only be given when there is a surplus AFTER the US and its citizens are take care of first.
- Pull out of the UN. It's a worthless organization that only uses the US. They use out money, our military, our resources and then allow other countries to bad mouth us, punish us, give up more resources. I'll include any global treaty or organization for that matter.
- Bring back law and order. Heavy-hand the shit out of this. You cross the line of "peaceful protest", Boom...jail. You obstruct or hinder others freedoms...Boom...jail. You bring false charges or frivolous lawsuits up...the charges get flipped and whatever the max limit of sentence is, YOU get it and you pay restitution to the person/party you falsely accused. So tired of this shit.
Great ideas, however I would maintain membership in the UN and pay little or nothing. Giving up our veto on the Security Consul would really come back and bite us. Also would like to see Trump nationalize the UN properties in NYC. Selling off that prime RE would help bring down our national debit. The UN could move to Beijing, Moscow or Shitholeastan.
Money will be available to keep Medicare and Social Security solvent without passing more Debt to future generations.
More resources available for USA disaster relief.
I'm really disappointed that DOGE is not going faster and that names aren't being exposed for those directly responsible for the corruption. I want charges, arrests, trials, prison time.

I want the MS media to loose their FCC licenses for reporting all the lies and misleading the sheep that are crying and calling for "resistance". I want gestapo level enforcement for those protesting, vandalizing and promoting violence. Why the FUCK isn't soros in prison?

Where are the Epstein files? Where is the exposure? It either doesn't exist or fucking put it out there and follow through with swift justice. Why aren't corrupt and obstructionist politicians being handled? Why aren't deportations happening faster?

We have 18 months to get this shit fixed before America turns stupid again and votes blue in Nov 2026.

I want some fucking results.
I'm really disappointed that DOGE is not going faster and that names aren't being exposed for those directly responsible for the corruption. I want charges, arrests, trials, prison time.

I want the MS media to loose their FCC licenses for reporting all the lies and misleading the sheep that are crying and calling for "resistance". I want gestapo level enforcement for those protesting, vandalizing and promoting violence. Why the FUCK isn't soros in prison?

Where are the Epstein files? Where is the exposure? It either doesn't exist or fucking put it out there and follow through with swift justice. Why aren't corrupt and obstructionist politicians being handled? Why aren't deportations happening faster?

We have 18 months to get this shit fixed before America turns stupid again and votes blue in Nov 2026.

I want some fucking results.
It's coming. It's just started.
Congress is running scared.

May also be the reason the Epstein "guest" list is still being held back. It's a carrot on the end of a stick.
Schumer broke ranks and voted with Trump and few criticized him of course, that is the few that may not be so guilty of graft.

Bidens pardons signed by someone other than Brandon with the autopen may eventually get rule void and heads will roll.

AOC may be charged for treason.

It's only just begun and it's going to be fun.