I never thought I would say this

Flat lake beds you wouldn’t feel it as much because the car will drift around.. on pavement you could feel the car getting “light” in the low 80’s.. just gave me a real comfort feeling and I decided it wasn’t in my best interest to keep it up lol.

In my speed 70+ feels like your cruising.. it doesn’t do anything weird, but I need to get my belt case modified because the belt temps
Start getting hot.


My X3 on the highway starts feeling really light at 80mph. I did not like the highway section on our Baja trips. The newer sport SXS models are a lot heavier and don't get that light feeling.

Your Speed UTV is over 3000lbs with all your stuff and passengers.
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Correct me if wrong, but...

I don't think that was 100mph+ car, in stock form?

No, but it did 82mph and was far more dangerous. Point is when it came out people said it was too fast.

Back then people could barely handle the 25hp of a Rhino. LOL!
No, but it did 82mph and was far more dangerous. Point is when it came out people said it was too fast.

Back then people could barely handle the 25hp of a Rhino. LOL!

Those really Were upgraded golf carts! 😁
I hit 92 mph in my pro r and let off, it was still pulling. We were on a nice open flat section and i wanted to see what she had. I was surprised to say the least. That was to fast for me. I just kept thinking that if we were to crash, we probably would not walk away. I love the acceleration of the pro r and the maveric, but it's getting pretty crazy what they can do. I was super surprised at how quiet the mav was compared to the polaris.
I hit 92 mph in my pro r and let off, it was still pulling. We were on a nice open flat section and i wanted to see what she had. I was surprised to say the least. That was to fast for me. I just kept thinking that if we were to crash, we probably would not walk away. I love the acceleration of the pro r and the maveric, but it's getting pretty crazy what they can do. I was super surprised at how quiet the mav was compared to the polaris.
The acceleration from 40mph and up is pretty crazy in the Pro R and Mav R.
I watched the video and I had no idea that Mav R's could go that fast. I don't know why any manufacturer or aftermarket company would design that when the SxS frames are not as strong as car frames.
Hopefully they’ll put in cholesterol limiters at fast food joints to keep people at risk from supersizing value meals as well.
That’s a terrible comparison. People who decide to go to McDonalds and get stupid and fat won’t kill me or my kids. But stupid and fast can.
I would hope that the manufactures can come to a sensible realization and agreement to self govern themselves on this issue.

Personally I believe 85 MPH is plenty fast for any of these units right off the showroom floor for any Tom, Dick, or Harry to drive at that speed right off the trailer without any real experience.

If one wanted to increase the speed limit of their units after they have purchased, they can do so either electronically or mechanically (gearing) and accept the responsibility of those decisions and any poor judgement that could arise from misuse of those decisions.