It's Saturday 6-1-2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?


Apr 30, 2021
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First day of June what is Everyone doing this weekend?

I got to start the day with Grocery shopping then Pull everything out of the garage and get the Garage cleaned up. My Youngest sold his Jeep Yesterday so everything is just everywhere now in the Garage.Also Yesterday got home my buddy dropped his trailer off full of wood said here ya go so I unloaded it Yesterday and man am I feeling it now. Pain level is super high

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Chores / catching up on some cool 70 stuff I have been putting off then some PLL Lacrosse games!


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Smoking tritip and chicken thighs.  Buddy coming up to race RCs in the yard.  Need to troubleshoot trailer generator.  Not getting power from batteries....

Drop off the camry at discount, visit MIL, some research on health stuff (blood glucose and cholesterol related), not be at work, maybe take a class, and..?? 

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At Denver airport waiting to board going back home to MFR then crash from the vacation from hell wife and I both got extremely ill and lost 4 days in SD . Usually I am never ready to go home at the end of a vacation but can’t wait to get there this time. If I can stay awake watch the MX races.

Everyone have a good weekend 

Just finishing yard cleanup until later in summer. One job that is soon to be shoved to someone else. (professionals)

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Planted 3 Blue Spruce this morning. Digging the holes were easy. Getting all the roots out was a whole ordeal.  Can you guess why we’re planting them? Finishing up on some little things on my car getting it ready for Utah.  We’ve got plans to meet my sister and my nieces for dinner. And Sunday we’re going over and having a bbq with the people who are going to Utah. Everyone have a great and safe weekend.  



Planted 3 Blue Spruce this morning. Digging the holes were easy. Getting all the roots out was a whole ordeal.  Can you guess why we’re planting them? Finishing up on some little things on my car getting it ready for Utah.  We’ve got plans to meet my sister and my nieces for dinner. And Sunday we’re going over and having a bbq with the people who are going to Utah. Everyone have a great and safe weekend.  

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So you can run around nekkid without the neighbors seeing ??  

got my hair cut at 7;30 AM then hit Lowes for a few plumbing fittings to finish up the new yard hydrants I have scattered around my property then help  built a garden with the wife that turned into double the size so that required ANOTHER trip to lows for more top soil and seeds and some flowers.just got done.gonna take a shower and take her to a early dinner to someplace on the water then probably swing by are friends house for a few more drinks before we head home.if I have the energy im gonna try and get me  but im sure me and her gonna pass out early...we kicked ass on her garden in the heat.

Future Christmas Trees.

So you can run around nekkid without the neighbors seeing ??  
I’m sorry but both are wrong.  Great ideas though.  The neighbor built the playhouse for his grandkids and decided it would look good white with blue trim.  I could care less but the wife well that was a different story. 

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Just reading everyone’s post from above and having a beer. 

Made it home doing nothing. Even being sick this week we saw some amazing country in South Dakota. Being patriots Mt Rushmore was amazing enjoyed the Bad lands, Needles hyw, and Custer state park.IMG_6749.jpegIMG_6750.jpegIMG_6723.jpegIMG_6735.jpegIMG_6686.jpegIMG_6689.jpegIMG_6696.jpegIMG_6701.jpegIMG_6671.jpegIMG_6646.jpegIMG_6639.jpeg

Woke at 4am to drive to LAX to drop off wife and two kids. They’re going to Hawaii. Then picked up 4 of my grandkids 2 from two families. 6-10 years old and went to raahauges outdoor sporting event. All my grandkids did the following:  22 pistols, 22 rifles. Petting zoo, touched horses, archery, tomahawk throw, kayaking 7 hours. Now I’m recuperating  



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