It's is Saturday May 25th 2024.. What is everyone up too this weekend?


Apr 30, 2021
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Here it is Memorial Day weekend what is everyone's Plans?

I gonna be around the House doing my normal chores so Nothing to exciting for me

Did a bunch of tree trimming yesterday in the yard.  Filled a dump truck worth of chips and I can barely notice a dent.

Headed out to Campo today.  Might do a little plinking but there's supposed to be some taco action that may supercede. 

Back to work tomorrow.

Right now...  coffee.  Moving my MIL into assisted living this morning.  LOTS of stress around this activity.   I picked up Rotors and pads for our camry, so that needs to get done.  We talked about a hike, but nothing in stone.  

Just walked around Grapevine with the wife. Time to lay down some Road Base for Asphalt next week. Maybe get a round of golf in this weekend. Remember what Memorial Day is all about Y'ALL. Have an awesome weekend. Peace

Right now sitting in the Denver airport waiting for our flight to Rapid City SD

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NCAA lacrosse

Today semifinals 

9am Denver vs Notre Dame

11:30. Maryland vs Virginia 

monday is the finals 

winners of todays games play each other !!!!

gonna build a very special :atc70:  BBQ this weekend (stay tuned)


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Bike ride after work and the start of Campland Rocks. Cybertruck in white stands out!  Everyone have fun and be safe!  



Babysitting my daughters puppy while she works .. nurse at Hoag and her fiancé is in class.

She had a rough day yesterday on her floor. Terminal cancer patients.  One was a 23 year old girl. My daughter is 25 and has been a nurse for about a year.

I’ll be working as I have a bunch of new inventory to catalog.

